Will Donald Trump Be Put On Sex Offender Registry After He Loses Case Against E. Jean Carrol

Will Donald Trump Be Put On Sex Offender Registry After He Loses Case Against E. Jean Carrol
Will Donald Trump Be Put On Sex Offender Registry After He Loses Case Against E. Jean Carrol

Almost everyone knows him – the former U.S. President Donald Trump. He is well known for his actions as the former U.S. President. In fact, he is the first American President in history to face criminal charges.

Trump has lost a case against the writer E. Jean Carroll who accused him of rape. But it turns out to be a civil case of sexual abuse and not a criminal one. Continue reading to know more about whether Donald Trump has to register as a sex offender.

The Defamation Case Against Donald Trump

Jean claimed that Trump tried to force him on her and rape her in 1996 in the dressing room of a Manhattan department store via 2019 New York Magazine memoir. But Trump refused the accusation and called her a liar. So Jean sued a defamation case against Trump.

The claims she made about him raping her in 1996 and was kept quiet about it for years were because she was afraid of Trump and his powerful supporters. She only told about it to some of her friends.

Later, in her 2019 memoir, “What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal,” she wrote and went public about her sexual abuse.

However, Trump refused all the accusations by Jean, and also he claimed that he doesn’t know her or even met her. Despite Trump’s claim, there was a photo of the two together on the New York Magazine page of Jean’s book.

Donald Trump also told that Jean was not his type and eventually accused her of lying and making an attempt to make her book famous and sold. So Jean filed a defamation case against him in the civil court.

Is Trump Needed To Register As a Sex Offender?

On May 9, 2023, US former President Donald Trump was accused of sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll in 1996 by a jury in New York. The jury rejected the claim that Jean was raped by Trump and held Trump responsible only for sexual abuse and defaming Jean.

Per the lawsuit, “After he lied about attacking her, he surrounded that central lie with a swarm of related lies in an effort to explain why she would invent an accusation of rape. To do so, he smeared her integrity, honesty, and dignity – all in the national press.”

The jury ordered Trump to pay $5 million in total to Jean for the damage he did.

As it was a civil case, not a criminal one, so Trump was not registered as a sexual offender as people who are confirmed of their crimes in sexually assaulting and rape and went to probation, local jail, or state prison were needed to register as a sex offender, according to New York Division of Criminal Justice Services.

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