Thanos is a fictional being created by Marvel comics and cinematic universe. He is a powerful supervillain with immense potential.
White Witch is a cunning creature in the 'Chronicles of Narnia' series. She has the ability to freeze people and objects.
Darth Vader is a dark Lord in the 'Star Wars' series. He is an exceptional leader and has great combat skills.
Hulk is a creation of Marvel comics and cinematic universe. He is a scientist who turns into a massive green-skinned superhero.
Witch-King of Angmar is the leader of Nazgul who possess great command over black magic, in the fictional world of 'Tolkien's Middle Earth' by J.R.R Tolkien.
The Wicked Witch of the West is a powerful witch, feared for her black magic by the people in the land of 'Wizard Of The Oz'.
The Flash is a superhero created by D.C comics. He has the ability to manipulate time and move with a lightning speed.
Zeus is said to be the king of Gods in Greek mythology. He controls lightning and can wreak havoc with it.
Doctor Manhattan is a fictional character in the comic series 'Watchmen'. He has the ability to control matter, energy, and time.
Galactus is a creation of Marvel comics. He is a powerful cosmic being who is also known as the 'Devourer of Worlds' because of his immense power.