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Greta Thunberg Was Detained By German Police


Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist was detained by German police for a protest against the expansion of a coal mine.

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This mine is situated in western Germany and is currently in the debate for climate and environmental issues.

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The protest took place at Lutzerath, a tiny village nearby the coal mine.

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Nearly 15000 people demonstrated their anger over demolition issue of village to clear way for mine.

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Thunberg, who is one of the renowned climate activists in the world led the protester near coal mine.

Image Credit: Pintrest

She rose to prominence in her teenage for addressing the U.N climate change conference in 2018.

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Garzweiler coal mine is one of the massive open pit coal mines in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Image Credit: Pintrest

The type of coal produced here is lignite and responsible for about 20% of carbon emission in Germany.

Image Credit: Pintrest