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UFO Reports By US Troops Increased To Over 500


UFO sightings are a phenomenon that goes back centuries. Although it is rare in other parts of the world, in US this is quite frequent.

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According to a de-classified US government report, there was a spike in UFO sightings by US troops.

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There were hundreds of new UFO encounters reported. To be specific, 510 reported sightings were recorded by The US National Intelligence office.

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The Sighting numbers has increased over 28% in comparison to 2021 data. There were total 510 incidents in 2022 which is 144 more than the previous year.

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As per the report, most of the sightings were hoaxes and considered "unremarkable" due to their human origins.

Image Credit: Pintrest

Out of all the UFO encounters, 163 were flagged balloons, six were flagged clutter, and at least 26 were deemed Drones.

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“UFO encounters continue to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety and national security,” the report stated.

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But here is the interesting part, the report states that more than 100 of the sightings cannot be explained.

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This means that these over 100 sightings can be of super natural or extra-terrestrial origins.

Image Credit: Pintrest