Top 5 Facts About Sacheen Littlefeather

Sacheen Littlefeather was born in 1946 to a Native American father, she was involved in the rights activism of Native American.

She attended the 45th Academy Awards on behalf of Marlon Brando and refused to take the award, Marlon boycotted the award ceremony to support the Native American movement. She was booed during her speech.

She had produced films about Native Americans and worked for years for health related and other Native’s issues.

Sacheen was one of the founding members of the Red Earth Indian Theater Company. The Academy has apologised her almost after 50 years in 2022 for the incident of 1973.

She had gone through many illnesses in her lifetime till death set her apart from pain, she gave the Oscar speech for The Godfather’s actor because he helped her recover during pain.

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