What Is A Drag Queen? What Do They Do?

    Drag Queens
    Drag Queens

    Drag Queen is usually a male person who dresses up as a woman and showcases their artistic skills through heavy makeup and artificial wigs to accentuate their womanly appearance. Their clothing is very different as it draws the attention of the audience to the intimate parts of a woman’s body. They emphasize the feminine or even masculine aspects of the human body.

    Drag Queens tend to redefine gender roles by impersonating mainly a woman for entertainment purposes. The roots of this art form go very deep in the history of society.

    A Brief History Of Drag Queens

    Drag Queens during Shakespearean time
    Drag Queens during Shakespearean time

    Historically, the art of drag queens originated during the Shakespearean time. During the 1500s and 1600s, women were strictly forbidden to partake in any form of social activity outside their household.

    Therefore, acting was reserved for men and most of the plays written by Shakespeare had several female characters. And these characters were portrayed by men onstage. Thus, began an era of drag queens.

    Over time, this art form grew in popularity during the 1960s and 1970s. But with the rise in right-wing politics, the men who were a part of this community started to be condemned for sexualizing specific parts of a gender.

    It is also believed that primarily drag queens were gay men and even to this day, this art form is a way of self-expression for gay and trans men in our society. It is a medium for them to express themselves in a way that is more inclusive of such people.

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    What Do Drag Queens Do To Earn Their Living?

    Drag Queen performing onstage
    Drag Queen performing onstage

    Drag Queens are artists who put on a show to earn their living while entertaining the audience. They often perform at places and events which are LGBTQ-friendly.

    Drag Queens are known to incorporate humor and satire in their shows. They lip-sync and sometimes sing live while performing an act comprising dance routines, dramatic monologues, and comical performances. They also try to engage the audience by talking to them.

    Apart from these artistic performances, drag queens are staunch supporters and activists of gay rights. They also host several events and promote awareness regarding the community of drag queens and LGBTQ people.

    Trixie Mattel, Bianca Del Rio, Katya, Shangela, and Aquaria, are some of the most renowned drag queens in the world. They are popular for their unusual and colorful style and bold performances which are hilarious and entertaining.

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