“Lawsuit Time”: Elon Musk Is Dragging Microsoft To Court For Illegal Use Of Twitter Tech

Elon Musk Sues Microsoft
Elon Musk Sues Microsoft

In a recent turn of events in the tech industry, the ambitious owner of the social media platform Twitter – Elon Musk has levied certain allegations on the software giant Microsoft.

on top of that, Elon is also thinking of taking the legal road to teach Microsoft a lesson for the wrongful use of Twitter API. This comes after Microsoft announced that they would be dropping the social media giant from their advertising platform.

What Is The Allegation Imposed By Elon Musk On Microsoft?

The business tycoon Elon Musk has accused Microsoft of illegally using data from the platform Twitter. He claims that the obtained data is being used by Microsoft to accelerate future developments and to train numerous AI (Artificial Intelligence) based tools.

To back up his claims, Elon has cited the example of the recent successful and highly popular AI tool called ‘ChatGPT’. Microsoft is a major funder of the said AI tool developed by OpenAI.

These accusations and claims of Elon Musk came after the software giant announced on 20th April 2023 that Starting on April 25, 2023, Smart Campaigns with Multi-platform will no longer support Twitter.” It means that Twitter has been removed from Microsoft’s advertising platform.

People all over the globe are questioning this latest move of Microsoft as a stunt to evade paying its due API fees.

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What Exactly Is API?

API or Application Programming Interface is an innovative and smart way to connect two distinct software programs and also allows them to function by sharing data.

Many business giants are now charging a significant amount of money in exchange for the data that their software has to offer. Elon Musk demanded the same API fees for allowing other companies and platforms to make use of Twitter data.

Instead of paying the amount asked by Elon Musk, Microsoft launched a campaign against Twitter by removing it from all its advertisement platforms.

The Latest Developments In The Case

Elon Musk clapped back at Microsoft through a Twitter post with the captionThey trained illegally using Twitter data. Lawsuit time.”

So far, no case has been registered against Microsoft. Although, it is likely to happen soon because Elon Musk is not going down without fighting a fair and hard legal battle. If the lawsuit takes place, Microsoft will likely have to make the payments it’s due for future usage of data from any platform including Twitter. The audience will have to wait a bit longer to witness the outcome of such accusations and possible lawsuits in the future.

Apart from the allegations against Microsoft, Musk has also made an official public announcement about launching an Artificial Intelligence company of his own which will work to generate an AI tool called ‘TruthGPT’ in the future.

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