Elon Musk’s Move To Restore The Blue Tick Of Liberal Celebs And Journalists Blows Up In His Face As They Rally To Prove Him A Liar

Kara Swisher, Ian McKellen, Elon Musk, Ron Perlman, and Paul Krugman
Kara Swisher, Ian McKellen, Elon Musk, Ron Perlman, and Paul Krugman

If you are an avid social media user, especially on the most interactive platform – Twitter, you would know about the latest blue tick fiasco going on in the industry. Twitter owner Elon Musk seems to be going on in a cycle about his decision to monetize the verification of users on his platform.

Recently, Elon Musk decided to restore the Blue Tick of some celebrities, this didn’t sit well with some liberal celebs and journalists who started targeting Elon for his decision and his audacity to not ask for their permission before doing it.

The Infamous Twitter Blue Tick

Like every other social media counterpart, Twitter also has a feature of the blue tick to signify the official verification of an account on the platform. But this simple and effective feature was turned into a complete business model by the new Twitter owner Elon Musk.

Soon after the acquisition of the platform, Elon Musk rolled out a strategy to monetize the verification mark by introducing a Twitter blue-mark subscription plan which allowed anyone to buy a verified blue tick by only paying 8 USD per month.

This shook the whole foundation and concept of the blue mark. Now it became easy for anyone to purchase a blue mark and impersonate and even scam people with a trusted blue tick account.

To effect this whole revenue plan, Elon Musk removed the blue ticks from every previously verified account in a drastic move in the social media world. However, the business tycoon has come up with different plans recently.

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The Latest Twitter Blue Tick Restoration

Elon Musk in a surprising change of events, restored the verified blue tick on numerous accounts during the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of April 2023. What caused this change of heart, no one knows as of yet. But, the gesture was not met with the expected positive reaction.

Since the overtaking of Twitter by Elon Musk, many liberal media personalities, democrats, and celebrities did not participate in buying the blue tick as a mark of their resistance against Elon Musk and his horrible business strategies with the platform. Hence, with the unapproved and non-consensual restoration of the blue mark, these people were outraged and lashed out at Musk.

Liberal celebrities like Stephen King, Ian McKellen, Bette Midler, and Ron Perlman are amongst the several other influential and renowned names who are unhappy with the uncalled-for goodwill gesture of Elon Musk.

Ian McKellen tweeted after the restoration process that “Despite the implication when you click the blue badge that has mysteriously re-appeared beside my name, I am not paying for the honor.”

People are more outraged because Elon Musk is claiming to be funding some of these account verification himself. Hence, all over the globe people are calling him out stating that no one asked for this fake act of charity. Furthermore, the restoration is a discriminative process that has given the blue tick to some chosen accounts only while neglecting the others.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, liberal podcast host Kara Swisher and MSNBC executive producer Kyle Griffin were among the journalists who are dissing Elon Musk for their blue tick restoration.

Kara Swisher went even one step ahead and said that her blue tick was restored without her consent. She even implied that Elon Musk is first taking away the blue tick of those who oppose the $8 Twitter Blue subscription and then restoring it to make them look like hypocrites. She implied that Elon is a liar and it could have legal complications for Tesla’s CEO.

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